Funky Insole FAQ

Is Funky Insole a retailer?

No, Funky Insole is a reselling brand. Our team works tirelessly in order to bring many hard-to-get products to Cyprus in order to up the streetwear game of our island.

What is reselling?
Reselling is a form of dropshipping, where companies source products from a variety of suppliers and make them available to consumers in one place. This business model makes it easier for the average consumer to find and purchase products especially in cases where buying directly from a supplier isn’t easy.

Do you have a physical store?

No, Funky Insole is solely an online store.

Do you sell your products anywhere else?

We only sell through our dedicated website and through our official social media.

Instagram: funkyinsole

How do you price your products?

Our prices are dependent upon the current market value of each item. We update our prices twice a month to give our customers the most up-to-date value.

Please note that usually with time, limited sneakers and streetwear go up in value!